First Post From Turkey!!!!!

So we made it! This is our second night here! Its still sinking in that this isn't just a trip and that its long term but I guess that's what it means to "settle down". Erol and Taner are bored. We are all so tired and jet lagged that Erol's been asking to go home and there hasn't been much we can do.
Mom and I met with the school today! We actually got dropped off at the elementary school first which was an awkward exchange but we got there eventually! The high school (lycee <- yup same in french) is gorgeous! Its ten floors of amazement! Tahanto looks like a dilapidated hovel compared to this building! When you just walk down the halls there is a huge round window that has the prettiest view of the city with the Bosporus, a gorgeous mosque and the scarlet and orange buildings! Sure beats trees any day!
The school seemed pretty willing to help me out. Apparently there's a girl from America with a Turkish father in the eleventh grade that's going to be there too! Talk about luck! The only issue is the courses. Turkey's school system specializes based on the college major of the student. So that means I have to choose between Math and Science classes, Social Studies, or Languages (literature and languages). I was first leaning towards Social Studies but the Principle would rather put me in languages. Since part of taking languages is an English course, that will be substituted out for geography or a math course to help me with credits. The other American girl is going to be taking the language classes too! Hopefully I get in, it seems great!
Then there's my mom's interview. She met with an English teacher, the head of the English department, vice principal and principal and it seemed to go well. She has to construct a 20 min lesson plan to submit by next week so she's trying to get that prepared. She would be at the same school. The only issue was that the students had taken advantage of the last foreign teacher and did not respect her. But hopefully it will all work out!
Highlights so far:
*first turning on the radio and hearing "call 911 shorty fire burning on the dance floor"
*hearing "If you Seek Amy" uncensored on the radio
*a rabbi rabbit puppet on a kids show?????
*arthur in turkish

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