I blogged to soon
Being woken up early (fine it was 11) and bribed out of bed with Dunkin Donuts to go to Katy's house because of plans I couldn't even remember than being told I was in the wrong town and end up at a surprise going away party! The surprise was a tad spoiled because I could see them through the fence but I was still in a state of sleep deprivation shock that the effect was the same!
At first I was apprehensive about any sort of "going away" thing because it seemed to final and I'm still in a state of denial (rhyme!) but I was wrong. This way I got to see everyone one last time and have a good time that epitomizes all our friendships (that sounded less cheesy in my head).
This time tomorrow (inshallah) I'll be flying to Chicago....ya it makes no sense to me either (neither?) I wonder if I can somehow post a map to show my journey. I'll attempt. I'm going to put up the highlights of the party today! Thanks everyone so much!

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