Hijabs in Turkey

Before I post more details on school life, I want to shed some light on a controversial topic. Scarves in Turkey. This is a social and political war more than it is religious.

In Turkey, it is actually outlawed for women to wear scarves in the workplace. This is not always enforced but to work for the state as a lawyer or politician, your head must be uncovered. Even my private, conservative school bans wearing scarves. As you enter the courtyard of the school there is a building where you must take off your scarf. Only at the end of the day can you put them back on.
Socially there is a major prejudice against both sides. Women who do not wear scarves see those who do as old fashioned, proud, and ignorant. Those who do wear scarves see the women who don't as non-believers and posers.
What I find interesting about the situation is that in my school, is that some of the most outgoing, wild, and social of the girls all cover their heads before they leave school. Some of them do have pressure from parents to wear a scarf and take full advantage at school with adorning their hair, but others its their own choice as well. It shows that the scarf doesn't determine the personality and it's impossible to judge somebody if they wear a scarf or not.
My family, for the most part, does not wear scarves, they would be part of the modern group of women. My grandmother wears a scarf but it is purely traditional and to keep her hair out of her face while she cooks. The scarves here are more of a maintaining traditional values than a religious issue.

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1 Response to "Hijabs in Turkey"

  1. Unknown, on October 12, 2009 at 5:31 PM said:

    Fascinating. Is there a religious aspect or is it mostly ethnic/history. I am particularly interested that the scarfs do not reflect the girls who wear them.

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