
So I haven't blogged in a reaaaaaaaaallly long time and thats b/c i've been busy w/ school! So school is....different here.
We start the week in an assembly outside where you stand at attention (military style) and sing the national anthem. Then you go into your classroom...literally yours. there is no homeroom or switching classrooms! the room you have is your classroom! the teachers are the ones that change rooms. oh ya and i forgot. as you walk up the stairs to your classroom theres a line of teachers inspecting your uniforms and that your hair is tyed up.
so classes start. each day is different but lets just say this day started with turkish lit (edebiyat) you wait for the fur elise bell and then when the teacher walks in you stand up until they tell you to sit. sometimes they will wish you a good lesson to which you respond in unison with "thanks" (this form is used in military to) they only do that rarely at my school but all the time at the elementary school.
so continuing. you have your lesson but raising hands is optional. instead the students call out "hocam" (ho jom) to get the teachers attention.
break is about ten min long and theres a cafe upstairs w/ burgers and french fries to have during any break
to get into the lunch room there is a literal fingerprint scanner and actual food being served. lunch is an hour but i have music club so that takes up a half an hour. during lunch it is customary to say "affiet olsun" to people which is basically "bon appetite!"
I then have music which thankfuly is the same in all languages. all except the piano notes are named with do re mi fa sol.... instead of a b c.... not that much of a stretch though.
the school day ends ends and everyone packs up and goes home. on friday afternoons theres an assembly just like on mon mornings where you get into lines, stand at attention and sing the national anthem.
i will write in more detail when i can actually keep my eyes open!
good night!

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1 Response to "School"

  1. Unknown, on October 10, 2009 at 12:27 AM said:

    Great stuff - mooooore...TUS

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